Do you know what it means to be an Analyst?

I am a firm beleiver that there are people born with some skills, some way of thinking, or some talent.  I beleive there are people who try to learn some of these skills/talents via school, that can be the school of hard knocks or formal higher education.  Some may even be successful at learning.  I am a person who was born with some skills that I have learned to channel into a career.  Mostly my curiosity and ability to ask “WHY?”, my management skills may come from my dad.  So as analyst I ask a LOT of questions.  Really I do think this way all the time, just ask KLT.  Now how you handle those questions is up to you but currently the knee jerk reaction in TLT is to think that I am being a pain in the ass, not positive, defiant, hard to work with, and the list goes on.  But really STOP and listen to what I have to say.  I really am not trying to get out of work. I am trying to make it add value. I am trying to get you to say what it is you are really looking for.  AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP TRYING TO TELL ME HOW TO DO MY JOB.  Go get in the STFU box and let me do my job, you know why cause I am DAMN good at it and dang it you are raising my blood pressure. 

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