what i do

does anyone out there even know what i do?

 Well really what can I expect as the people who I work for don’t even know what I do best.  Let me tell you.  I just know.  I am not kidding, I just know where every weakness in your application is.  I am the best analyst that there ever was cause since I was a small child I could find the loop hole in EVERY thing.  This is not a joke but the core of everything I am.  I am tired of those skills just sitting along side me while I surf the web and shop for bras.  Good GOOD how can you as the poeple who pretend to manage me NOT KNOW THIS?  Today I kicked the ass of an application adminstrator and “systems analsyt”.  Really if she was worth her weight she would of discovered these things a month or so ago as she went to training.  I didn’t go to training… do you wanna know why?  Well it is because according to my boss “you just inheriently know how things work”.  FUCK YOU ALL!  You had a month + training head start. 

 What did I discover this week you ask well let me tell you.  First the new student system is passing you what appears to be three letters and 5 numbers as a title.  Are you freaking kidding me? You went to an expensive class to be an “application administrator” and you didn’t see the issue with our institutional level settings?  You got a CERT?  GOOD GOD use it as a door mat cause you fail at the vital things.  You are the “representative” from the registrar’s office and you think “its a good idea”.  I will tell you what that means, it means you don’t know SHIT about either system and what is going on around you and if this ‘suggestion’ can be implemented with minimal effort you are all for it.  I say that because regardless of the bad decisions you and the others creating this mess make you will be rewarded for hitting a deadline while I will be scrutinized for being a bitch and questioning everything you do.  AND IN THE END THE USERS WILL LOVE ME.  Oh and by the way I will be in nashville tn where people are OMG happy to see me.

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