Catch up

Good God, things have just been out of control. 

About the dentist

Well I was really anxious Sunday night into Monday morning about the dentist.  Now this is quasi normal but I have been really comfortable with Evan. He is such a nice guy and a lot of fun.  But I had a racing heart, tingly itchy hands and general nervousness.  We get there and guess what?  THERE IS A NEW GIRL!!!!!!!!!  I don’t like new people at the dentist.  I had a hard time, my poor mouth.  I liked it better when the office girl helped, she was gentle and very careful.  This broad, well she stabbed around in my mouth like a person breaking up ice with an ice pick.  She pinched my lips, they cut up my tongue and she pulled my hair.  So really I had all the reason in the world to be upset.  I was really unhappy for a couple days, unhappy = hurt.  I just got one thing to say, I don’t want her working on me any more and by the way you could at least tell me your damn name!

As the week went on, seems as though we were really busy and putting my resume on Monster sure filled the inbox and voice mail.  🙂  Friday “the call” came.  Yes I have been expecting it but I still wasn’t quite ready for it.  My grandfather passed away.  He had been sick for some time with cancer.  Of all things, the man weighed over 300 lbs and had been through 2 by-pass surgeries.  If you are not a little girl you prolly don’t understand how hard it is to be a big girl when your dad is sad.  Daddies cry but it kills us little girls.  That has been the hardest thing to deal with.  Well things are not going so well down there in Arkansas.  Dad asked me to stay home and not make the trip.  He did have me work on a few things today, so I was on berevement leave.  So it’s been a long weekend. 🙁


Well I guess I am sad for several reasons.  For one I wanted the Patriots to win for my Step-dad.  Being from Boston he’s a huge fan and I really wanted them to win for his sake.  But then there is this, my brothers and him went to Boston for the game.  WAIT! What?  You didn’t invite the girl?  Why not, I like football and I drink beer.  Screw you all I stayed home.


Sitting here minding my buisness typing up this blog and the phone rings.  With everything going on in Arkansas I better answer it even though I don’t know the number.  OMG OMG OMG It’s an IT staffing company out of Nashville.  Yeah I just had like a pre-screen over the phone.  Who the hell thinks it’s a good idea to ask me what I expect for starting salary?  You didn’t even tell me what the job was.  OMG Heart attack!


Did I mention that we went out drinking with the ex-husband and his woman?  We did.  Saw Pam, thought for sure she’d want to kill me.  Not so.  🙂 

So if anyone cares about what else I did today, I called ATT and told them what dumb asses they were.  Also called logictech to tell them they were dumb asses.  🙂  WHERE IS MY DAMN property tax check?! 

Ok I am going to post this then add the pictures.  🙂

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