Back home again …in INDIANA

Well if you have never been to the greatest spectacle in racing, The Indianapolis 500 or you are not from Indiana you might not have any clue why this is important. But the short story is that Jim Nabors sings Back Home Again in Indiana prior to the race. You see I was born and raised in Kokomo, Indiana. Moved to Lafayette and then almost 4 years ago we moved to Nashville, TN.

Oh I am guessing you might like me to get to the point of all this. Well gang I am going home for the weekend and even better news is that I will be presenting at #SQLSAT242 . . . → Read More: Back home again …in INDIANA


I interrupt my scheduled blog post to bring you this important post. Yeah that’s right I had some stuff to talk about, you know the wrap up of #MsTechEd and well now I forget. But I have things!

So if you were not paying attention PASS Headquarters announced that June 12 submissions to be on the Nomination Committee would open and would end on June 19th (blog article). On June 18th a dear friend of mine poked me and asked if I had considered it. Well my answer was …..errrr most people complain about this process. So I started doing the research and asking other dear friends who had inside . . . → Read More: PASS-NOMCOM

Proud and disappointed

Well weekend or so ago while I was in Atlanta for #SQLSAT220 phones started buzzing and things got weird. Saturday at some point in time in the afternoon PASS started mass emailing all the people who had submitted sessions for Summit 2013. Some 800 sessions were submitted with only 190 actually being picked. That makes the odds pretty tough and that doesn’t give any consideration for popular topics that probably get many submissions.

What I might know about this. Well I have heard that this year all the abstracts were rated blind and have even heard that people who’s abstract included their name had that redacted. WOW that seems like . . . → Read More: Proud and disappointed

SAY WHAT? TechEd?!

You won’t believe this, heck a few weeks ago either would I. Oh sorry that seems like a set up that might be disappointing once I tell you what I have to say. I am going to TechEd 2013 in New Orleans and will be representing PASS.

I bet you are wondering how this happened? Well apparently someone cancelled and someone else was already going on the company dime. So I was asked if I wanted to go. And well after a few discussions Kerry said “just book it and we have the rest of the year to pay for it”. Now here is where the story gets even stranger . . . → Read More: SAY WHAT? TechEd?!

Well I guess I forgot to tell you

You know it was just the other day that I had a conversation with a friend about tooting your own horn. We discussed how uncomfortable that made us both feel and how we would prefer that we didn’t have to be involved but that it was okay if someone else did the tooting. Hmm that takes on a new meaning if read out of context. In order for some things to in my immediate future to make more sense I need to take a moment, feel uncomfortable and toot my horn.

Not too long ago I accepted a volunteer position with PASS. I will be serving as the Mid Atlantic . . . → Read More: Well I guess I forgot to tell you