The saga.

Wine of the month delivery happens on the next to the last Friday of the month (from what I can tell so far).  I couldn’t stay home last Friday too many things going on.  Sure enough get home there is the ticket.  The problem, yet again the ticket is incomplete.  I have no idea if the package is coming again or if I have to go pick it up. 

Monday morning I call them to verify what is going to happen since the ticket is filled out or not so much.  OH great what a nice guy on the phone.  He’s not even going to try and deliver the package since I was going to Bloomington and get this they will try on Tuesday.  Excellent, or so I think.  Tuesday we come home just as soon as possible for lunch (11 am).  I have noticed the delivery usually happens around lunch.  So we eat and start working from home.  It is about 1:30 pm and I am wondering what’s the deal.  So I grab the ticket and look it up online, I some how expected them to be really cool and offer up GPS tracking.  No such luck and I learn that OMG THEY ARE HOLDING MY WINE HOSTAGE, WAITING ON MY PICKUP!  WHOA! WAIT!  That is not at all the Monday conversation.  So I call again, only now I am pissed off.  “Mam would you just like to come pick it up?”  Why the hell would I pay for delivery then?  So we negotiate a delivery time of after 3pm on Thursday.  Here I sit at 5:28 pm with no fucking package.  I call, they are still out doing deliveries.  GOOD GOD!  I took off work to come home and really that wasn’t necessary.  I did work from home this whole time and I am now ready to drink.. oh wait and cook dinner.  So DHL sucks, that is just my opinion.

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