New Technology

Being the analyst that I am and the breaker of all things good I really enjoy poking at new technologies.  Mostly because it is a great opportunity for me to tell you just how bad/stupid or broken it is.  Rarely comes the time when I am 100% satisfied with a product.  I generally am left with a feeling of damn they almost made it.  😉  So now I want to talk about a couple of these things I have been poking at.

Facebook and Dogbook & MySpace

Really my dogs are more popular than I am.  The functionality is clean and basic but all of the additional applications being added are just silly.  I think there was a good plan by allowing people with no web skills to create personal websites to share with their friends and family.  The adds on the sidebar are ANNOYING! And I can never figure out quickly how to use some of the stupid apps, you know like my Hero Power.  It’s nice and I try to check it once a week.   I personally like my blog and fancy pants website. 


You know a blog is great fun, see you are here reading mine.  But you have to keep up and when I fall behind I feel like a looser. It is a lot more technical and requires updating the code (cough cough – i haven’t done that yet)


Good grief what have you guys gotten me into.  I find the random postings of answers to “What are you doing?” crazy.  It’s like an instant message client if you keep refreshing the page (hey you are limited to 70 refreshes in one hour) but it’s like the client has ADHD.  Everything is random and just sitting in a stack.  The limitation of only having 140 characters is rough if you are posting looking for real answers to real questions.  It does have value in the fact that if you have a large following you can post a question and get fairly decent responses quickly.  But that is why I pay for and ARS subscription. 


Thanks Kevin.  That was the most annoying application EVAR!  It promised to put all my crazy web things in one window.  GMAIL, Twitter, AIM and the list goes on.  Oh it was terrible.  I will promptly uninstall it today.  It had good intentions. 

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