NomCom Part 3

So it’s mostly done; we’ve read all the applications, conducted all the interviews and ranked all of the applicants. I am not here to tell you what I think is wrong with entire process I am here to enlighten you on how this works. Maybe later if you are really good you can have my advice and my thoughts about process.

Definitions Qualified

According to this is what qualified means. a: fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose :competent b : having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment) : eligible

According to PASS the qualifications/requirements for being on . . . → Read More: NomCom Part 3


I interrupt my scheduled blog post to bring you this important post. Yeah that’s right I had some stuff to talk about, you know the wrap up of #MsTechEd and well now I forget. But I have things!

So if you were not paying attention PASS Headquarters announced that June 12 submissions to be on the Nomination Committee would open and would end on June 19th (blog article). On June 18th a dear friend of mine poked me and asked if I had considered it. Well my answer was …..errrr most people complain about this process. So I started doing the research and asking other dear friends who had inside . . . → Read More: PASS-NOMCOM