I interrupt my scheduled blog post to bring you this important post. Yeah that’s right I had some stuff to talk about, you know the wrap up of #MsTechEd and well now I forget. But I have things!

So if you were not paying attention PASS Headquarters announced that June 12 submissions to be on the Nomination Committee would open and would end on June 19th (blog article). On June 18th a dear friend of mine poked me and asked if I had considered it. Well my answer was …..errrr most people complain about this process. So I started doing the research and asking other dear friends who had inside . . . → Read More: PASS-NOMCOM

#MSTECHED Day 1- the drive

Well most trips we take end up with me being irritated at Kerry because he’s sitting around on his butt while I am running around like a fool trying to get things ready. We should not assume this time would be any different. I had all my items packed and ready on Saturday leaving me just the cooler and food to pack up on Sunday. Of course he’s discovered a computer issue at home and spends nearly an hour working on it, and it’s still isn’t fixed. (Hopefully I can find someone here to talk about Exchange with.) In that time I got the car completely loaded and ready to . . . → Read More: #MSTECHED Day 1- the drive

Count down to #summit – First Timer Info

Thursday and for me just 52 hours until I head to KBNA for my flight to Seattle. I know we are getting there a bit early but we got married at Summit last year (#sqlwedding) and wanted a few days to enjoy the city.

In these final hours I want to provide you with yet one more bulleted list, I really like bulleted list!

How to find people and stay connected? Twitter. If you haven’t gotten a twitter account yet now may be a good time. You’ll find people to follow really fast, most everyone who hands you a business card will have a twitter handle on it, most presenters . . . → Read More: Count down to #summit – First Timer Info


That is my one word description of #SQLSAT160.

Our 8 hour drive to Kalamazoo was interrupted by Kerry getting a speeding ticket in Kentucky. Fun times! Then there was the intended stop in Indianapolis, Indiana to see my grandmother who is still in the hospital after open heart surgery. She’s ran into a sting of little issues that kept setting her back. I was happy that we stopped on our way up. Then we arrived in KZoo to find that some jerk set off the sprinklers and 1/2 the hotel was damaged and shut down. Since we were checking in early we got a room and an upgrade to a . . . → Read More: WOW! #SQLSAT160

Bringing the road show home #SQLSAT145

Nashville didn’t have a SQLSAT last year, we lost the venue and that is about all I know on why there wasn’t one. But what I do know is that we are having one this year. October 13, 2012 (Does that date ring a bell? Like a wedding bell?) that is the date for Nashville’s SQLSAT. I am so excited as this lineup is looking to be AWESOME! There are several pre-cons on Friday that you might not want to miss. But the good news is that I am presenting here. I am a tick nervous that the organizers picked the session I have not tried yet and that agreed . . . → Read More: Bringing the road show home #SQLSAT145

TSQL2sDay – Jack of All Trades…

Argenis Fernandez was ever so kind as to host TSQL2sDay this month and the question he asked was:


Are you specialized? On something? Or anything at all? Has that been a good or a bad thing? Why? Are you the SQL guy at work? Or the one who does everything? Do you code? And configure wireless routers at work also? If you had to pick one thing to specialize on, what would it be?

So, in this installment of T-SQL Tuesday I’d like to ask you to blog about your experience. Tell us why you specialized, or why you’d like to specialize. If you don’t think that specialization . . . → Read More: TSQL2sDay – Jack of All Trades…