
Well here we are closing in on the weekend what is historically known as my favorite day of the week.  I am starting to feel that I am on this spiral slide that goes on forever.  Sometimes I can brace myself along the sides and slow down others I just keep movin.  I believe that my employment has sucked the life right out of me.  I remember back in grade school my best friend Hope was a big horse fan, we played with horses not barbies, she read lots of horse books.  There was this one story, wish I could remember it where the horses spirit was broken.  Hmm, I think that is how I feel.  I have even been too tired to take pictures, even though I had good ideas for them.  🙁 

Yesterday I witnessed something so amazing, the interim exc-dir did a presentation for staff as part of his interview for this gig permanently.  Everything that he said was a huge contradiction of how he actually manages and how things have been going for the last year. It was quite a show.

Ok I guess I should get to the office.

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