2:00 pm Back from Wal*Mart

So I took of on a new adventure.   You know the famous “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign, well when I drove past it they were doing a photo shoot, there were a few dames in swim suits and some guy dressed as a pink bunny.  A little further down the road I get to run along side the airport and one of the run ways.  It was landing traffic and it was AWESOME.  I plan on taking Kerry there this week, they have a parking place so you can sit and watch.  There were many there taking pictures.  Now I am on the road where Wally world is, whoo hoo there’s the sign.  “DICKASS”, that is a new word I shouted as the cabby came accross 3 lanes to cut me off in the turn lane.  I found this clothing for less store called ROSS.  It was a TJMAX basically, but I did buy a new purse and wallet.  I love it.  Finally I am on my way to the walmart parking lot.  “DUMB BITCH” that is what I said when the woman couldn’t get her mini-van out of a parking spot with out jacking it around 3 or 4 times,  and that is no lie.  To top it off the isle was two lanes wide. 

So walmart was expensive because I wanted some new make up, I didn’t bring much with me and I feel that the lighting and make up combination is making me look orange.  No good.  I wanted to get some things for lunch, no dice they were out.  I did get a tub of yougrut for breakfast.  That will save me a bundle. 

Now what should I do? I think I will take a walk. 

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