Saturday (Catch Up)

So I have to play a little catch up. Yesterday was totally consumed by a family Christmas Dinner. Where I might add the 50-something acted worse than a 10 year old. My mother would of beat my ass for behaving as such.

Here is my picture of the day from Saturday:

Oh I forgot

So how many of you have rode in a car with Kerry? Uh huh. So how many of you have been “yelled” at (that is kind of strong) for having no sense of direction? Uh huh. Well today in his infinite wisdom he tried to make it quicker for him and Bret to get back to the conference and we ended up in the parking garage. Which is exactly where he bailed out and left me with the car to get home on my own. Seriously! I didn’t follow his directions I figured it out on my own. AND further more I drove right past the place where he probably . . . → Read More: Oh I forgot


I am back from my wonderful trip to the “spa”. Yeah it was the beauty school but seriously a facial for 35 dollars is totally and absolutely worth every penny. 🙂 I did get my toe nail buggered up as I was getting into the car, some JACKASS parked way to close and I had to shimmy into the car. I also learned that Chris Angel actually lives at the Luxor, they gave him his room for free because his show starts here next year sometime. I was also told that the cars sitting out front and along the side that are “roped off” are his. WHOOT! Then I picked . . . → Read More: 3pm

Thursday 8:12 am

Well today is my last free day, tomorrow I will be dealing with KLT 😉 Not that it’s a bad thing, just getting him moving in the morning is a pain. This will be the first time we’ve been in Vegas on a Friday night. Wonder what we will do.

So I will tell you about last night. Bret didn’t go to the evening event there was no food so he jumped in the car with us and we headed to the mexican place we kind of like. After that we actually drove down the strip and downtown to show him the lights. I am not sure what happened but . . . → Read More: Thursday 8:12 am

5:45 pm Wednesday

So I am prettied up and ready to go out for dinner. I kind think it’s fun to have a wardrobe change in the evening. Two outfits a day! I walked up the strip to one of my favorite hole in the wall shopping places. Good times. I picked up a coffee mug.

This is the email I sent today to a few friends

I think that the coolest thing is walking in to a thrift store buying a beer (3 bucks) and being told the bottle opener is on the door on the left as you walk out! Now I am walking around on the street with a . . . → Read More: 5:45 pm Wednesday

My list

What I don’t like about the Luxor

No in room safes Only one trash can in the room The reception on the TV sucks There is no place in the shower to put my foot so I can shave my legs There is a “vanity” but there is no light It is so dark in the room (even with every light on) There isn’t a desk The towels are not soft Fridgerator cost $15 a day There are broken things in the room; bottom drawer of dresser doesn’t open well, shower door not easy to operate, outlet doesn’t work

What I hate about my new hair cut that I didn’t . . . → Read More: My list

Good Wednesday Morning 11:11 am

I have spent the entire morning working on photos. You will see that I have uploaded a chunk of black and white (digital IR) photos from the Valley of Fire. I also fixed a few from dinner last night. Too bad there are still some that need work. 🙂 I am really hungry, better go get my snack. After that I am not sure what I will do.

12:32 AM WED

OK, here it comes…. the drunken post, not so much drunken as tipsy. Dinner tonight, I picked Battista’s. This was recommended by my student (BOB thank you) earlier this year but in June we found out the place was closed at lunch. It was AWESOME!!!! You choose soup (minestrone) or salad with Italian dressing, they bring you bread, and RED or WHITE wine. The menu on the wall looks much like the one in the phone book. OMG good food. Then there was this Little old man that played “back home again in Indiana”… Damn IT I gave him five bucks. So my dinner, a ribeye steak (klt said it . . . → Read More: 12:32 AM WED

2:00 pm Back from Wal*Mart

So I took of on a new adventure. You know the famous “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign, well when I drove past it they were doing a photo shoot, there were a few dames in swim suits and some guy dressed as a pink bunny. A little further down the road I get to run along side the airport and one of the run ways. It was landing traffic and it was AWESOME. I plan on taking Kerry there this week, they have a parking place so you can sit and watch. There were many there taking pictures. Now I am on the road where Wally world is, whoo hoo . . . → Read More: 2:00 pm Back from Wal*Mart

11:14 am Local Tuesday

Well I have done work work for a little over 3 hours this morning. I must say that when I ask more than one time “If anything has changed” and no one responds only to find that a change was made this morning that broke Quality Center it really pisses me off. I really want to hit someone with a 2×4 and ask if they can read, or do they even know how to do their job. I mean come on all ready, just sit there quiet and pretend you know of nothing that is happening. GEEZE!

And I have uploaded some of the pictures from yesterday to the flickr . . . → Read More: 11:14 am Local Tuesday