GET HAWT! My delayed start.

This is my first Get Hawt post and it’s not because I didn’t have good intentions, it is because I just can’t seem to find the time to write anymore. I will however fix that!

Ok, first of all I need to introduce to you Get Hawt.  Two awesome gals (of course friends of mine on the internet) have teamed up to host blog parties.  A place for folks to get together and make public their 2012 fitness/health goals and update regularly on their progress. I am excited to join this group and hope that having a bit of morale support along the way will help. Jen McCown (twitter|blog) and Sarah Strate (twitter|blog) are bouncing back and forth with a theme for each week and then doing a lovely wrap up.  Here are the GetHawt FAQs.

Week 1 – Make your goals public (Tell us in your blog post what your goals are, and what steps you plan on taking to get there) –  The round up

Week 2 – The buddy system  –  The round up

Week 3 – Tools, I will do a seperate post and turn it in late!!!!



Last year I did pretty well dropping 30-40 lbs and becoming more active. I didn’t reach my goal and I ran into several issues along the way. 1st off the crazy doctor I was seeing to get help was just adding way to much stress to my life so I had to stop seeing her. In the middle of the summer I fell, severely sprained my ankle and that laid me up pretty well. So at the end of the year my company sponsored a walk fit challenge and provided us with a Fitbit. I totally was excited in the beginning but found my team to be a fuddy duddy. We did discover that I was getting a lot more exercise than we thought which also leads Kerry to believe that I do have issues with my ability to lose weight. I don’t want to say that I have a goal of x lbs because with what I have learned over the years sometimes that isn’t exactly realistic.  I would like to see me down 1 more pants size!! No, I will never be a size 6 again but there is no reason to not be healthier and feel good about myself.

So this year I would like to carry on and drop a few more pounds. I would really like to get a “work-out” in a few times a week. So what I want to do seems obvious, how to do it is the challenge.

  1. I bought a xbox for my sewing room. Now it seems odd but we use the xbox as media extenders to watch TV “over the wire”. I negotiated with Kerry to get a Kinect. Since my dad moved in I can’t actually can’t get up in the morning and do my EA Sports workout as having an audience would not work out so well for me. Now I can do a work out again.
  2. Foot/ankle seems better and well enough to get busy on the treadmill again.
  3. Find a Doctor to continue with my struggle, while they can’t do it all I have to admit I need some help.
  4. Use my FITBIT! Knowing every second of every day where I stand for steps is pretty awesome. It makes me walk to the center break room for coffee instead of getting it at the closer one, and I even just get up and walk to rack up steps. So this has been pretty helpful.
  5. I have been a little bit relaxed in my carb control but I still feel we eat pretty healthy. For the most part we eat out 1x a week and everything else is home made. We were both really sick from all the eating out in Seattle (while at PASS). It is difficult to eat down inventory from this past summer’s garden without tossing in pasta.
  6. And I recently discoverd I started eating out for lunch more than I have in several years, this is bad and I need to start watching what I am eating!

 The Buddy System

This one was hard. I don’t believe that spouses make good buddies and here is why. Men want to “fix” everything and sometimes we girls just need to whine about it. Men tend to have an easier time loosing weight. For example when I first went lower carb some years ago Kerry finally gave in and started eating grilled veggies with me and less potatoes. He freaking lost like 5 lbs right away and I swear that was the only change he made. So while he was disappointed that I didn’t pick him (guess he still feels like that kid) I am going to offer him a back-up/weekend buddy role.  So my buddy is a co-worker, Renee.  She’s new to the company and I just LOVE here.  Neither of us are OMG HUGE but we do realize we need to get busy.  This is what I sent her:

1)      I will try to send you reminders to get up and move.

2)      I will try to grab you for a walk to the other end of the building on a regular basis.

3)      I will be here for moral support if you just feel like eating crap cause work sucks.

4)      I will offer to bring you home cooked healthier meals when available when you just run out of steam so you don’t have to eat junk or go out.

5)      I will not scould you for slipping up (you know having a coke) but just encourage you for tomorrow is another day.


Hopefully now that I have the back weeks filled I can get one last late post for week 3!!




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