Proud and disappointed

Well  weekend or so ago while I was in Atlanta for #SQLSAT220 phones started buzzing and things got weird. Saturday at some point in time in the afternoon PASS started mass emailing all the people who had submitted sessions for Summit 2013. Some 800 sessions were submitted with only 190 actually being picked. That makes the odds pretty tough and that doesn’t give any consideration for popular topics that probably get many submissions.

What I might know about this. Well I have heard that this year all the abstracts were rated blind and have even heard that people who’s abstract included their name had that redacted. WOW that seems like really fair way to go about this. I mean I wasn’t born yesterday and I have been around enough to know a list of names that will fill a room no matter the topic. We love them and appreciate everything they do but picking all their sessions and not growing new rock stars will only hurt in the long run. Another change for this year was the limit of 4 submissions per person. While a grand idea it did seem a tick unfair for those eligible to submit for pre-cons and spotlight sessions. This even included any panels one agreed to sit on. I like the limit idea. I have also heard that after abstract review then speakers were added and other things were then considered.

The official statement from PASS reveals that they estimate 1000 hours was spent on the selection process. I am 100% certain that it isn’t said enough, but THANK YOU to the program committee. 39 volunteers were on this committee and I am sure it wasn’t easy and that there are so many who are irritated, upset and not thankful. Has to be a hard job. To see that each abstract is reviewed by 3 people. WOW. 800 submission * 3 /39 means that each person read approximately 61 abstracts. This was all done After April 3 and before May 25 as that is when the emails were sent. WOW. If you aren’t aware or if you need a reminder these people are volunteers who gave up time with their friends and family and what ever else it took to get this done. Again THANK YOU!

Alright we have get to the part as to why this all matters? I finally grew the courage to submit an abstract. I only submitted for one session. Now I have to be honest I really did tell those around me that I was only submitting to get my “NO” out of the way. Some urban legend says that no one gets select on their first try and generally not their second. And well I got the “no, thanks we have enough of those” email. And I have to say I had feelings that I wasn’t expecting. I didn’t expect to feel bad, like I had failed and wondering what I could have done better. I had set myself up to shrug a shoulder and say “one down and one to go”.  Being disappointed wasn’t what I had expected. But as I reflect I am proud of myself for making the decision to try. You never know what’s going to happen if you don’t try. Hey, what’s the worst that can happen they’ll say no?

If you were one of the many (600 sessions not accepted means min 150 folks) who got the no thanks don’t be sad. I bet if you took a minute and looked around your office you’ll see not 1 person who’s presented for a local chapter, not 1 person who’s presented at a SQLSat and not 1 person who made the leap of faith to submit for Summit. You should be proud of yourself. We all get to try again next year and don’t forget there should be another BI conference in the spring which means quite possibly a second opportunity. GOOD LUCK! If you were one of the people on the fence and didn’t submit all I have to say is “JUMP IN the water is warm!”

Now that the official PASS announcement came out this week and the blog post have been rolling in with proud folks letting the world know they got accepted. I can say that I am so happy to see all my friends getting sessions, and so many of them are first time Summit presenters. How exciting and how fun. I have heard a few surprising/shocking “so and so didn’t get a session”.

Now what will this all mean? For one Summit is in Charlotte and quiet frankly that makes 98% of us First Timers. I know 0 about Charlotte and can’t even spell it correctly most of the time. It will be SCARY FUN all around. I plan on being there to cheer on my friends & #sqlfamily, hopefully take on a group or two of first timers and experience all that Charlotte has to offer. I really hope to see you there!

1 comment to Proud and disappointed

  • I was on the committee doing the speaker selections and yes tons of time was spent. We appreciate the thank you since it is a blur of rating for about 2 weeks straight and then it’s pretty much over and you await to see the results. I also was not selected but am happy i went through the process and plan to learn from the experience and get better at submitting next year. 🙂 Looking forward to a new location for a wonderful photowalk this year! 🙂

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