Smoking Ban

I am getting sick of hearing about smoking bans.  Now I am not a smoker but I do believe that companies should be able to decide for themselves the smoking allowed in their establishment.  I am tired of hearing about how smoking runs up insurance is bad for your health and etc.  The government should be limited to creating smoking bans for government owned facilities.  CAL is making laws preventing smoking around small children.  REALLY!  You won’t stop the stupid from breeding but you stop smokers from smoking in their car with their kids?  There are just so many things wrong with this.  OK I have to stop and go shopping.

  • If everyone quits smoking where will the government recover the tax loss?
  • What about McDonalds and all of the FAT people, they too are unhealthy, they too run up insurance rates.
  • What about letting people have babies and babies and babies who can’t afford them and are on the system?  That runs up the cost of medical procedures, therefore running up the cost of insurance.  Not to mention they cost the working people more in taxes.
  • What about 800 other things that need to be fixed?


1 comment to Smoking Ban

  • ab

    Some cities in California are already passing ordinances concerning the density of “fast food” (I didn’t hear a definition of that in the TV piece on it) restaurants- they won’t let any more be built if there are already “too many”. And don’t forget NYCs ban of transfats (though, as several comedians helpfully pointed out, fat trannies are still OK).

    I think we’ll see more of this as the fattest people get stuck in bed and can’t get out to vote on anything. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help the people-having-too-many-damned-kids problems.

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