So long to you my faithful friend (2010)


Why I am ready to say good bye 2010.

The last year left me feeling pretty sad about my current job situation, I had a formal statement put into my record because I wasn’t the “tin foil”.  At that point I had decided that I
really didn’t give a shit and that it was the managers lack of technical skills problem not mine.  So I figured I would wait it out and look for a new job later.  I also was sad that I
wasn’t getting to use any of my technical skills, I was a glorified secretary who spent too much time tracking and updating work task in JIRA.  I kept my chin up and tried to keep
reading but found myself googling simple task as I had forgotten their syntax.  🙁  I actually started looking for work at the advice of Shelton, as a lower paying job with actual technical
work would be better than being a highly paid babysitter.  But that didn’t pan out because Mr. Tyler was very distraught about his job situation and for the sake of the Osburn Hideaway
someone should stay employeed and not be in a trial period.  So mostly due to $$ and insurance considerations, I didn’t look for that new job. 

Why I am ready to start fresh in 2011.

I got a new boss.  Seriously her and I are cut from what appears to be the same cloth.  It is quite creepy and makes me think, hmmm why didn’t I apply to for that job? So in less than 2
months I have gone from not the “TIN FOIL” to “the next superstar” (this is from higher management). Yes I would love to explain what that means, the old boss used that term all the time
and no one got it. We believe it is suppose to be the literal tin foil, but even that didn’t make sense. I have been told I get a promotion to Technical Lead.  I am rather enjoying
this and am very hopeful that 2011 will be a good year. So for now my only job concern is that I have to apply for my job because they are changing the job descriptions.  Funny that 1
person on my team didn’t have to do anything and the contractor we hired didn’t have to do anything but I may have to take a test?! We will see.


Looking back at 2010 I remember there being lots of talk about bucket list.  There was even an outbreak on twitter where folks were writing up blog post and publicly declaring their list.
I feel sad yet very fulfilled because I really don’t have one.  In May I stood at the countdown clock and watched one of the most amazing things, Atlantis (STS-132) launch.  When I
look back over my life I am so freaking lucky I have seen the sun set over the Grand Canyon, I have been to London and seen the Eye, Big Ben, Hyde Park, I have been to Scotland in
search of the Lockness Monster, I have seen all but 1 damn on the lower Colorado River and it’s too far into Mexico for my liking, speaking of I have been to Mexico, I have walked on the
walk of fame in Hollywood, seen the Chinese theatre, the GIANT churches of Scientology and later day saints, went to Phoenix, Vegas, Anaheim, Orlando, I have eaten at Paula Dean’s place in Savannah and
really who knows what other great things I have forgotten. But I think I have a pretty good life; I have a rescued basset, a basset I picked and a guy who chose me! Pretty amazing in my

The worst part of 2010 is loosing my boy.  Hunter was everything, him and I spent a lot of time just the two of us.  We went through a lot together and I miss him so much sometimes.  It
really broke my heart to let him go but it is comforting to know that he’s better now and it fills my heart to know that there will never be another dog that loves me like he did.  He
truely changed the minds of many folks, we always joked he needed his own tv show “everyone loves Hunter”.  His follow up, Porter Lake well he’s a work in progress. 

TOP 10 most viewed photos from this year on my Flickr:

1-5 the Nashville May flood, 6 shuttle launch, 7-9 New 2011 Edge, 10 Porter the New puppy


Top 10 most viewed photos EVAR on my Flickr:

1 Superbowl 3D, 2-3 May Flood, 4-5 Me at the dentist, 6-8 May flood, 9 coke bottle used in Navy radio, 10 vegas show girl


So for the list making side of Tamera Clark.

I didn’t do a very good job with sending birthday cards and gifts.  So for next year KLT and I have set a budget for this and I created an awesome spreadsheet.  So New Year’s resolution
number 1 is to do a better job of getting this stuff sent out and kept up with! Next I am fat, miserable and not real happy with myself.  I have a Dr. appointment 1/5 so I hope to have a
solid plan for working on that.  The good news is that I am at a plateau, so I am not gaining any more weight just stuck here.  So call this 2011’s goal number 2. 

So now to make my list.  2011 so I think it would be good to have 11 obtainable goals.

  1. Keep up with holidays/gifts and etc.  Stick to the budget and the plan.
  2. Get a solid plan for weight management from the Doctor (1/5 appointment scheduled).
  3. Keep up with the new blog, off to a good start here at the end of the year now just to keep it moving.
  4. Professional development shall be worked into my work week.  Every week.  Will need to work this out with the boss. But I got a Kindle to help with this.
  5. All photos taken 1/1/2011 and later will be tagged.  This currently only happens when photos are loaded to flickr, but it shall now include all photos at rest. 
  6. I am keeping a goal from last year “No new tv shows added to our must see line up unless it replaces something”
  7. Every week I want to do something for myself.  Like sew, soak in my tub, read a magazine just a good 1 hr break from all things that are my life. 
  8. Buy a damn watch!
  9. Try vegetarian!  I think that 12 times during the next year is a good start, 1x a month eat Vegetarian.(and no popcorn for dinner doesn’t count) *12/31 ordered Vegetarian Magazine
  10. Really, who needs ten that was so last year.
  11.  Love, laugh, and appreciate more!

3 comments to So long to you my faithful friend (2010)

  • Kim A

    OKAY my birthday is…ha! I shall provide testimonial to all you blog fans. I recived a little package yesterday–full of iphone cozies! Woooooo! Happy dance! Love them! hugs and kisses from Laafyette!

    ps. they did not arrive as quickly as you thought b/c the zip is 04 not 01 😉

  • Kim that is excellet!!

    Ok so 2/3 the way through the first month of resolutions. I have some updates:
    2) The doctor failed me, still looking for some medical help. Started the Active 2 workout for Kinnect this weekend and created a
    workout schedule with KLT.
    3) Doing good with the blog – last week there was an iPad/wordpress issue — more to come on that
    5) Ok that was a HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS. Not sure how long this one will last.
    6) Easy!
    7) 2 of the 3 weeks I managed to work some Tammy time in
    9) First vegetarian meal was last night: home made ricotta cheese stuffed inside homemade ravioli, awesome sauce from the harvest
    with added cream, vodka and more tomoatoes for chunk and home made herbed Forcaccia. We loved it!

  • Tamera

    ALRIGHT folks!!! 3/4 update on the goals
    2) Used our Health Advocate to find a DR, now just need to work in an appointment during this CRAZY month.
    3) BLOG going good!!!
    4) My work goals have been aligned with this. SSRS training this month – meet the new corporate trainer. Also assuming the role of SENIOR data analyst with a promotion coming this year.
    5) not sure this one will ive
    6) Still holding strong, but I have learned someone is secretly recording stuff!
    7) Getting better at getting a little bit of time here and there.
    8) YEAH!!! I got a watch for my birthday. Check this one off baby!
    9) Two meals for last month! I am up by one.

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