T-SQL Tuesday #134: Give Me a Break

This month’s edition is hosted by James McGillivray (b|t), who asks us to write a post about How do you take a break?

I’m looking back over the last nearly 11 months and trying to wrap my brain around it all. For starters, I feel like it has always been my job to keep it together. Never has there been a time when I could let someone else take the wheel nor could I ever just fall apart.

Finding a Cause

Pick one!

As soon as this started there was a need for cloth masks, medical supplies were low and masks were in high demand. I spent the better part of March-May making and distributing masks. I think I hand sewed 800 and delivered nearly 775, yes there are still a few upstairs. I took donations to pay for supplies and shipping. I sent them to homeless shelters, hospitals, and people around the US. This gave me great purpose and really helped my heart, at least I was doing something.

After this slowed down I was hungry to do more and help where I could. I’ve joined a group of like-minded folks who are working hard to create equality in my community. OneWilco is their name and I’ve been working on some of their social media. Since the leader had a housefull come down with Covid and a lengthy recovery for her husband, things have been going a little slow. But the great news is this group gave me the opportunity to connect with others who are leaders in the community. They are always doing good work and looking to help folks that mostly fall through the cracks. It’s been a great outlet to donate knowing that a need is being filled.


I miss my yoga class without a doubt. And I can’t find a good online class or space that doesn’t include one of my three 50 lb basset hounds trying to help. BUT I have found that I feel so much better if I even just take 15 minutes and stretch. It is even better if I can go outside and do that in the sunshine. Another takeaway from yoga is to focus on breathing. Daily I spend those few moments between sleep and really awake breathing, I enjoy 3-part breathing the best but sometimes long slow breaths to shake things up. If you don’t know this simple task is really good for you, it helps you focus, helps you relax and according to our instructor helps your central nervous system. Apple built-in an application on your watch to make you take a conscious break to breathe. Hell, you have to breathe anyway why not take one minute to make it mean more.

Yoga with my helper
Porter & I doing yoga in the driveway.


Look, I am not bragging. We all know I like to cook. I love to share a good meal with my friends and love to surprise Kerry with new things. During this pandemic, things have gone from easier to damn hard. Early on I could make a list and go to the store about every 2 weeks but now it’s more of an I just went and haven’t been since before Thanksgiving.

The first thing I tried was filling the void of we don’t get to eat out anymore issue. Sure ya’ll get carry out and delivery, but when you live as far out as I do there isn’t a lot of delivery, and carry out is generally cold when it gets here. So I worked my butt off to create a restaurant-style cheeseburger. Huge success and I was quite pleased with myself.

Bacon Cheeseburger and curly fries.

Next up, what about all those foods you miss? Well, Andy Yun ( B | T ) took us to a REAL Chinese restaurant and I have been obsessed with Bao ever since. I spent days doing research to find a recipe and finally gave it a shot. It’s not perfect but it was really fun.

Bao, fried rice and pot stickers

Now I am just reading the pandemic purchased food magazines and looking for “new” things we’ve never tried before.

And then there is this. Best purchase of 2020.


I am a Pisces, I am a water sign, and I am 100% designed to be in and near the water. Summer is great, I have a small pool. Winter sucks, and without a January #SQLSatNash to plan I have a lot more free time. I am allowing myself regular soaks, just 20-30 min to myself and unwind. It’s amazing how much this has helped my mental health. Honest, I just ordered #12 of Epson salts because my habit is now about 3 times a week.


So here’s what I am recommending to you.

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat healthy food and sometimes it’s okay to splurge.
  • Take time for yourself; whatever that means for you.
  • Don’t feel guilty, it’s okay to be happy, or sad, and even angry.
  • Take my grandma’s advice, Worry about something for one day if there is something you can do about it, do it. If there isn’t then stop worrying.
  • Be kind, be true to yourself, and be the best you.

I dedicate this post to Gareth, my dear friend you will forever be in my heart and on my mind.

I made him a special mask.

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