The best chocolate chip cookie EVAR?

Part 2 – Tuesday This is part 2 of the 3 part post, yes this is the experiment.

So according to David Leite’s article

“At 12 hours, the dough had become drier and the baked cookies had a pleasant, if not slightly pale, complexion. The 24-hour mark is where things started getting interesting. The cookies browned more evenly and looked like handsomer, more tanned older brothers of the younger batch. The biggest difference, though, was flavor. The second batch was richer, with more bass notes of caramel and hints of toffee.”

I decided to put this to the test and bake 1 cookie last night hoping to document my initial . . . → Read More: The best chocolate chip cookie EVAR?

Cheater’s Lasagne

So it was Friday night and I was trying to keep myself busy while I awaited the return of KLT. ๐Ÿ™‚ I had gone shopping to buy him some things to take make his new temporary pad in Nashville nicer and was really busy doing laundry. I decided that I would make up a couple of lasagnes in loaf pans and freeze them so he could bake them later. Now let me just say that KLT is very capable in the kitchen and really doesn’t need me to make meals for him. I just want to extend a bridge between the three homes and two states we are currently occuping. . . . → Read More: Cheater’s Lasagne

and it continues + a Mocha

So when I get home I have the wonderful surprise I have been waiting for, my new Breville Cafe Roma Espresso Maker ! A few weeks ago WOOT had a deal on a espresso maker but it was a little more than I wanted to pay and even though my poor little espresso maker(pretty much the 10yr old version of this, just imagine it more square and larger). Hey it was 10 years old and I did only pay $25 dollars for it, I am pretty sure I got my money’s worth. So last week WOOT had a deal on another Breville this time it was a little more affordable. . . . → Read More: and it continues + a Mocha

Just not into it

So for the last couple weeks or so I have just been not into cooking, blogging or anything else for that matter. KLT sorta threw me for a loop when he got mad and posted his job on Monster late one night. Little did I know about how long these things actually take, he is off for most of this week and Friday is his official last day here at Purdue. That’s right he will no longer be just down the hall when I need him. He won’t be here to have lunch with every day, there will be no car pooling to work, no being mad that he’s running . . . → Read More: Just not into it

Grilled Pizza

You know we started out making grilled pizza with the regular kinds of things a ready made crust that hangs next to the pizza in the freezer section, a bottle of pizza sauce and the tried and true toppings of cheese, sausage and pepperoni. From there we decided making our own crust would be fun and friends tell me it’s pretty easy. When then came the low carb diet. HAHHA! It was then that I went searching for a whole wheat or whole grain crust. My past experiences with making pizza crust is that they are all bland and never taste like one you get in a restaurant, so to . . . → Read More: Grilled Pizza

BLT anyone?

I am a little behind and really I am not sure why. I feel like I have been pretty busy but I really don’t think I have anything to show for it. *sigh*

OK now back to our BLT. KLT and I don’t mind spending a little extra money on food if it’s going to be GOOD! Hey don’t get me wrong I still shop at the local bulk club and the big box store to save money on every day items. Well the item in question of being good is the Bacon, as you know bacon is the star of a BLT. Oh and I should mention now I . . . → Read More: BLT anyone?

& now back to your regularly scheduled post = ENCHILADAS

This is long over due. But things tend to get crazy in my life all at once. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I had planned on working on this while in the office but there have been issues with getting to my blog from there.

So the other night we had Enchiladas and I tried very hard to get pictures of all the parts and the process. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It is so amazing how much better my 540 flash works than the other one. I missed it so much while it was in a broken status, thank you Suzie for your help with breaking my flash and making me totally crazy on 08-08-08.

First . . . → Read More: & now back to your regularly scheduled post = ENCHILADAS

Lamb burgers anyone?

So we were a little late getting back to my place from KLT’s and quite honestly I was pretty tired. Gwen was pretty sore and unhappy. Coming up with a good idea for dinner was difficult and then as we are getting busy with the prep work her comes the neighbor. Her son needs some help with his home work and they are unable to help him (now there is a “story” here, it’s not that the parents are not smart it is just that he’s a normal pre-teen). Well anyway we opted for some lamb burgers. I grabbed some fresh rosemary and a small sweet white onion, then I . . . → Read More: Lamb burgers anyone?

all about Pesto

Last year I started a radical diet. I cut out carbs, not completely but mostly. Before you start to complain or give advice I have to tell you this was at the suggestion of my doctor. How does this tie into pesto? Well I went out for lunch one day to La Scala the Italian restaurant and ordered a sandwich. It came with pesto mayo, so I kindly asked if they could replace that with just pesto. Ah HA! The point is that pesto became my favorite condiment and pizza topping of all time. ๐Ÿ™‚ So last summer I planted 6 basil plants so that I could experiment with pesto . . . → Read More: all about Pesto

…and the rest of the cake story

So Friday when I got home from work it was time to start the assembly and decorating of the glorious cake. But there was a limitation, I needed to get this done, stay clean so I could go to dinner with friends.

Well to start things out I tried to cut my finger tip off. So then I have to wear a rubber glove and get frequent band-aid changes. So at the end of this event I had blood and chocolate all over my shirt.

Here it is coming together. I used a different icing reciepe so I had to make 3 batches. ๐Ÿ™ Good thing that was . . . → Read More: …and the rest of the cake story