#TSQL2sDay Resolutions


As part of my 2011 resolutions I feel the need to participate in T-SQL Tuesday (we’ll get to more about that later).  First some of you reading this are expecting a recipe and some FOOD PORN, sorry not today I am a geek and sometimes like to show that off and today is it!!!  T-SQL Tuesday was started by Adam Machanic (guess what? He has a blog and is on twitter!)  and the basic rule is that someone new each month host and chooses a topic.  This month it is our friends MIDNIGHTDBA (Jen and Sean – guess what they blog and twitter too!!).  If you are able to stay up that late on Friday night I highly recommend you stop by, it’s generally a good time.  So here it is January 2011 and it’s the second Tuesday of the month therefore T-SQL Tuesday and this month topic RESOLUTIONS! What techie resolutions are you pondering, and why?

I know, I know I already did something simular to resolutions but in my defense those were pretty general and not as work/career/geeky as they should be.  But I have a few things up my sleeve that I have been thinking about and mostly it’s a good idea. You have to be careful, if someone at work reads your blog and you “resolve” to look for a new job that might just not work out so well.  😀

In my list of items to concentrate on for this year I included : #3 Keep up with the new blog, off to a good start here at the end of the year now just to keep it moving. Now what wasn’t detailed here is that I would really like to include a sprinkling of SQL post to go along with the food.  I mean anyone who knows me and has to talk to me for very long I am all about geek, food, my dogs and a few other misc. things.  Participating in T-SQL Tuesdays is a great way to do this.  So here we are and now you know why.

Also included in the list was this: #4 Professional development shall be worked into my work week.  Every week.  Will need to work this out with the boss. But I got a Kindle to help with this.  I don’t see this as a problem as she’s all about it. This week she issued a challenge “JIRA-123” is a report currently on BOE go redo it as an SSRS report, it’s not a group project and I will buy the winner a $25 gift card to the place of their choice.  Hands down I have more experience than any of them with SSRS so this should be fairly easy.  But using your brain to think out the obvious 1 we only use SPROC in our reports for production and I have never done this 2 SHIT! who knows if we even have access to do any of this 3 there is a list of standards we are suppose to adhere to and 4 there appears to be a “design” issue to work with.  Well I did the research and obtained the access.  I now have an SSRS report on the DEV server with a SPROC on our reporting server and I fixed the design issue properly not like the “hack” my co-workers used.  This should be fun and help my goal.

So for new items.

I am going to make it a life-long resolution to start looking for a new job at any point in time if the job becomes not challenging (I don’t mean a pain in the butt challenging I mean for my brain) or I figure out that I am no longer growing with no future growth.  I was in my last postion for more than 5 years and many of those at the end would of allowed me to waste away to nothing but I took that stupid bull by the horns and hopped on for a ride. I used that last 2 years to develop skills on their dime.  I watched online presentations, practiced and read.  So that time it was worth it and okay but never again will I let myself start to wither.  THANK YOU SQL Server community for providing me such great opportunities to learn!

Which brings me to another resolution, I wasn’t sure how ready I was to say this outloud but here it goes.  I would like to present something at our local SQL users group.  Whew, that was painful.  Actually it will be more painfull if I get to November and haven’t done it yet.  But yes I want to give back. Currently my giving back is by answering questions when I can and providing morale support.  I am usually pretty good at being the team cheerleader so I guess that isn’t always bad.

So to make my life geekier, errr I mean easier I would like to get a few of those random .xls files laying dumped into SQL and turned into something I can access online.  Now that KLT (guess what? He blogs and is on twitter too!) has set up a SQL server and given me access we can work on this.  Currently we have a wine list that includes the qty, location, where to find the tasting notes and cost if we grabbed it at the time.  I also have a material list for sewing and we are going to make an inventory of the freezers in the basement,you guessed it I have started the list in excel. Hey it isn’t a bad program there are actualy a couple really cool features, like conditional formatting.  If the bottle count is <1 it turns red so I know to buy more.  😀

Well this is all I have to say about resolutions.  Of course I could make a list that is a mile long but when 2012 rolled around I might be sad that I didn’t get it all done.  You really should keep the goals to obtainable and not overwhelming.  I mean I already have to get less fat and cook some vegetarian stuff.

 Good luck everyone with your 2011 resolutions, may you be safe and successful all year!!!

2 comments to #TSQL2sDay Resolutions

  • Tamera

    Today I had to pencil out my goals for work. I totally worked it out so they fit with this post!!

    1. I will be assuming the role of Senior Analyst with promotion pending. I will create/implement a code repository, a peer review process and coding standards as part of this.

    2. I will submitt a proposal to the local SQL group.

    3. I will attend regular “FREE” trainings sponsored by the SQL community.

    And for trying to update my excel files to a database, I started it but you know what they say about too many cooks spoil the broth? Same holds true in database design if you have two data geeks. Somenone has decided my design is “bad” and needs redone but will not give any concrete reasons why. So 2 weeks and I still don’t have a database.


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