
Boy yesterday late morning I discovered it was going to be a long weekend and it just changed everything!!  🙂 <– Where is the Macaulay Culkin smiley face when you need it.  To make things even better the interest rates have dropped, I can refinance and save about 68 a month.  Closing cost are less cause we don’t have to redo everything.  My credit rating is way up.  If I make the same payment I have been making I will cut like 8 years off the loan.  What a beautiful day, except for the wind chill and the lack of RED ROCK outside my window.  😉

So tonight I was playing with my “light box” for my flash and was looking at some of the results while sitting under low watt tungsten lights.  Well so here is KLT’s favorite.


<Work Rant>

Ok so a few things are trying to get under my skin this week, yeah yeah I know it’s like day two of the week.  First some people keep throwing around “So-And-So” <–Insert HIGHER management name here.  SAS said, SAS asked for, SAS is looking for, I will just tell SAS that you refuse to do it, Well then find someone to explain it to SAS.  Well this gets me for several reasons. 1) We ALL work for SAS, you know technically, 2) that doesn’t scare me at all so stop trying, 3) I answer directly to a “higher” manager so really I am going to let them decide what gets done and when and 4) just because you have no “charm”, have pissed everyone off, everyone thinks you are a joke or however the day is working out for you does not give you the ability to just pester me to try and get ahead.  All right that leads me to the next “saga” there is the constant last minute request for “data”, there is no rhyme or reason just data.  You think I am kidding but really it does just boil down to that.  Seriously someone get a clue.  Drama 3 revolves around that fact that my direct management doesnt’ have a clue, I hate to be mean but come on.  Does anyone out there think that you can hire a really qualified, ready to hit the ground, enterprise level windows admin with Linux (UNIX) experience? How about a fully qualified DBA capable of building a data warehouse, managing DBs, writing reports and wait for it….. able to do it on what ever platform is decided as best after a complete analysis is done.  To my estimate that would be at least 3 months after the DBA is hired.    I don’t know about all of you but this seems to tip the asininity scale completely.  ok this is enough about work.  </work rant>

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