What I have learned so far.

Well there was an ABRUPT move to Nashville TN in November.  I know, I know you are sitting there shaking your head saying “WHAAAAT?  You had been planning  on moving for a year how was that abrupt?”  Well the answer is yes of course we were closing on a house but I had no job and really really did intend on working by either working from home in KBNA or taking long stretches of vacation.  But then I fell into a job.  They moved very quick and I was surprised.

Here is what I have learned so far.

  1. NO ONE down here is in a hurray but KLT and I.  Honest to God no kidding, they talk slow, they walk slow and they just do things nice and slow.
  2. Everyone is OMG nice.  Like at first it really scared me.  Everyone you pass in the store or in the office are like “Hi!”, “How Ya doin’ today?” and all with a nice southern drawl.
  3. When you add 1+2 together while shopping in the grocery store sometimes people run into you, bump your cart, walk out in front of me cause I am the one in a hurray and honest to goodness they stop and apologize.  Something like “I’m sorray I didn’t sea YA”.
  4. They still help you out with your cart of groceries.  No shit!  They still push the cart for you and walk you to your car!
  5. Both of the Publix that I have been to have a REAL MEAT COUNTER with REAL MEAT CUTTERS.
  6. There really doesn’t seem to be a “dinner time” down here.  Sometimes there is a wait and most of the time not.  It’s not like in Lafayette where dinning between the hours of 5-7:30 pm could mean an hour wait at Texas Road House.
  7. Speaking of Texas Road House there is like 1 and it’s far far away.
  8. KLT drives like a jack ass on the interstate – no seriously.
  9. CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED in the bar areas of restaurants.  WTF BBQ!  Now where do I go to drink and swear?
  10. The sun shines down here a lot more than back home.  I am in such good spirits these days and it’s all because I see the DAY STAR!
  11. I live a short distance from the George Jones.  I will post pictures soon to prove it.
  12. Amerigo is becoming my new favorite restaurant.
  13. Cozeymel’s has an AWESOME agave cocktail.
  14. I think I am really going to LOVE it here.

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